Sunday 11 March 2012

The decision to try for a pregnancy when in so much pain

Back in December I had a negative comment about trying to conceive whilst being in pain and I thought it would be good to post my thoughts and feelings on this subject. As it certainly hasn't been an easy decision to make. Having Endometriosis and having lost my job, does this give me any less right to try for a family? I don’t think so, it’s just been really unfortunate circumstances.

I thought long and hard for a period of time before trying to conceive. As I am in such a cycle of pain and my endometriosis has got to a point where my work stopped my contract. I did wonder if this decision was the right thing to do. But is making no decision doing anything? It certainly won’t change my current situation and a hysterectomy is not an answer to this in a definitive way. You could go all through that and still suffer.

There’s a whole book written about Fear the fear and do it anyway. Just because I’m scared should this stop me from trying? If I don’t try then I feel I would look back and regret it and I personally would prefer to try and know it just didn’t work out than not too try at all. But it still leaves me then wondering and worrying about if I then did fall pregnant and go back to being in that much pain how will I cope with that much pain and a baby. There is no guarantee and in all honesty, no one knows. You just have to base your decision on the facts you know at that time and what you want out of life. It is scary for me as I have no family nearby to help out. But I do have an amazing partner, although he is holding down a full time job so wouldn’t always be around.

Other people have managed it. In my case being pregnant may be the one thing to stop my periods for a while as I can no longer take hormones as they do the opposite for me and make me bleed. Maybe being pregnant will give my nerves a chance to calm down which in the long run will help the pain. I would like to speak to some ladies that have had a bowel re-section and then gone onto have children and see how they are doing. It would be great to hear some positive feedback and also if they still have some pain, how they cope with that and children.

Any thoughts, as always I'd love to hear

Lily Lou x

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