Monday 26 March 2012

The Mind Body Connection

Something I am finding really useful at the moment is working with a life, health and wellness coach. Her name is Lorraine Faehndrich, she is based in New York and I do my coaching once a week over Skype with her. Her website is

To understand more about this work I was asked to read a book written by mindbody pioneer, Dr John E Sarno The Mind/Body Prescription Dr Sarno has conducted research and clinical practice relating to musculoskeletal pain. 

Although Dr Sarno in this book is talking about the back for the most part, this is also relevant to other parts of the body. I think when we hear the words psychosomatic we assume it is in your head but Dr Sarno points out that your head maybe causing you physical symptoms. I think you have to have an open mind but if like me you have been suffering for a long time with nothing helping the pain, then like me you may think what have I got to lose? 

I figured what's the worst that could happen if I worked on some stuck emotions from the past, perhaps I would have a clearer and happier head and the best case scenario would be it could help the pain.

Through out our sessions, it was pointed out to me that I had become disconnected from my body at some stage and my head had taken over. This is so true I am so headstrong, its even been at the detriment of my body. I am learning to listen to my body now.

When my head is spinning with worries or I'm being hard on myself, I have learn't some tools to take time out to breathe properly and just be with my body. This really helps me calm down my brain. 

I understandably have been at war with my body as it has caused me so much pain and stopped my enjoying so much that life has to offer over many years and I have had to fight to keep going. I thought accepting what was happening was giving in to it but I now see that it is actually a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Lorraine has helped me to accept what's happening now and embrace where I am. Your body cannot heal until you stop being at war with it. I am kinder to myself now. We are strange as we would not treat anybody else like we sometimes do our selves.

All very interesting. I would love to hear your views as always. I'll keep you posted

Lily Lou x


  1. Hi Lily Lou.

    What a wonderful blog you are writing! It's such a fabulous resource for other women experiencing pelvic pain syndromes. Thanks for sharing your experience with the mind body work we've been doing together. It's been wonderful to work with you and witness the relief and insight that these tools are bringing to your life. Our bodies are so amazing and wise and ON OUR SIDE - even when, maybe especially when, we are experiencing chronic pain. It's so unfortunate that we have been taught to ignore our body's messages and basically be at war with our symptoms. Embracing where you are and reconnecting with your body is a key step in healing pain. As is knowing that you can heal the pain and that your body and emotions can actually help you do it! So glad you're sharing this information with other women!!

    All the best,

    1. Thank you Lorraine. I have learnt a lot working with you and feel we are getting somewhere

      Lily Lou x

  2. Hi Lily Lou :)

    I haven't been on for while as it's been quite an eventful few weeks for me because... I'm pregnant! I found out 3 weeks ago and obviously I am over the moon, but already things have been quite challenging for me, partly due to my health issues.

    Going back to the post you wrote a while back about worrying about whether you should try and get pregnant, I have been having a lot of similiar worries myself. Will I be able to cope with having a baby and all my health issues, how will my health problems effect my baby, will my baby inherit any of the issues etc etc, but I'm trying to push those fears to the back of my mind for now. One step at a time!

    I know already the thought of having a baby has given me strength overcome some issues and I'm hoping that once baby is here, I will be so focussed on them that I will be less focussed on myself. Maybe that ties in a little with the mind-body connection you talked about in your latest post. Once there is a baby there, our mind will be so much diverted away from ourselves, we may even feel better! It's something to hope for anyway... I've had lots of doctors also say to me that pregnancy might improve things for me, due to hormonal changes, so I can only hope, but so far it's just made me feel really sick and tired!

    Anyway, just thought I'd share my news with you and I'm very interested to know how you get on with your mind/body sessions. How are things going for you in the trying to concieve department too?

    All the best

    Claire x

    1. Oh Claire, that's just fabulous news! I'm so pleased. How many weeks are you?

      I am also very happy to say I'm pregnant! Just had my 12 week scan on Thursday, I didn't want to say anything before then due to my medical history. I'm still really shocked that I am pregnant. I wasn't sure it was possible!!

      I understand the sick and tired feelings. Although the nausea is better now than it was. I'm going to write a post about it all.

      I hope you start to feel better soon and that your other health problems calm down for you. Keep me updated. I'd love to know how your getting on.

      Lily lou x

  3. Hi Lily Lou,
    I've been seeing Maria Elliott and she recommended your blog, it's such an interesting read!
    Like you, I have Endometriosis but actually the whole area is a nightmare and I have a lot of problems with my bladder amongst other delights!
    Maria mentioned to me this morning that you've been having these skype conversations and I was just wondering how you feel they have helped you? I hope you don't mind me asking.
    Many thanks
    Angela x

    1. Hi Angela,

      Maria is brilliant! I'm so pleased I found her, she is very knowledgeable and supportive.

      I'm really sorry your having problems with Endo and your bladder, it sucks when it doesn't go away and leave us alone.

      I really don't mind you asking me anything. I started this blog as I wanted there to be a dialogue out there and for others suffering to know they weren't alone. I may not have learn't much from a career over the last 10 years but I have at least learnt lots about my body and I wanted to share anything I felt could help others.

      A couple of books I have read have said to heal you must forgive. I had something I have been struggling with in my life that I hadn't dealt with. So by working with Lorraine we have looked at this. Although I think a huge thing for me is learning to love and look out for myself. Stop being a war with my body and be kind to myself and not beat myself up when I am in pain.

      When I was younger I wasn't allowed to express feelings and I kept them bottled up and I feel they have been pushed down and never resurfaced. I am currently trying to re-connect with these so I can move on. It has to be better for it all to come out then be stuck in there.

      I have found it helpful to learn some tools for example, in doing the body scan. I find when I am in pain that part of your body is shouting for our attention. Learning the body scan has made me more aware of other parts of my body and how they are feeling. Then you do another scan this time pouring on some healing and relaxing liquid. It really helps my head chill out. It helps me get back to sleep if I wake up in the middle of the night.
      I do this relaxation everyday, I think it has a really good effect on your mind and body.

      The lady that has trained Lorraine had Vulva pain and managed to get rid of it by using these tools so I am hoping to follow suit!

      If you want to ask anything else feel free

      Take care and keep in touch

      Lily lou x
