Wednesday 17 August 2011

August 2011 Diary

Today, I am sat in my night shirt, baggy maternity bottoms (I’m not pregnant!) in a Lily-Lou shaped spot in the corner of the sofa, it’s become shaped like that as I have spent so much time there. I’m having another bleed, the second this month, which is unusual.

I can always guarantee they come at the most inconvenient of times. I had my six year old niece staying with me for the first time, luckily the peak of my symptoms were when she was asleep on Saturday night. This would normally last longer but perhaps as this is a second bleed this is what’s made it different.  I am wanting to try for a baby, how do you cope with having children around and being in so much pain, I’m hoping getting pregnant will help my pain.

 I sent my niece out with my other half on Sunday with a fun mission so I could stay laying down. I plastered a smile on my face for her as I didn’t want to worry her which was ok as Sunday was her last day with us before my other half dropped her off. How do you deal with this when you have children around all of the time?
I suppose you cross that bridge if you are lucky enough to. I also have Vulvodynia and Vestibudynia so having sex poses a problem, one I have been working on for some time. (I’ll talk more about that in another post)

Anyway as I said it’s the second bleed of the month, the first came at day 15 of my cycle, the day before I‘d had pelvic physiotherapy and on my return home I picked up a CD my cousin had sent me months ago. It was a new perspectives CD on Women’s health, called ‘Activate your healing energy’ based on Neuro-linguistic Programming by Olive Hickmott, she has a website entitled It is a very positive CD and I recommend it to everybody. It has made me think of my cycle in a different way. I always had negative thoughts and feelings about my pelvis as it has caused me so much pain and upset. The CD talks about the various stages of being a women and accepting being a women and what it is all there for. It really made me think of that area in a different more positive way. I really think it’s worth a listen to as it is just the cost of a CD, and no expensive treatment as you do the meditations yourself.

The following evening I had a big bleed, I felt I was having a clear out of my system. Maybe something to do with the CD or maybe just a big coincidence?? As I’ve said this has never happened to me before. I’ve only ever bled (spotting) during taking hormones or when I was on the Mirena coil. This however wasn’t spotting and I’m not taking any hormones.

I went to the hospital to get checked out but they were unable to say much except for me to think about having another laparoscopy and send me for one of the glorious trans-vaginal scans! The scanning doctor also couldn’t say much except that he thought I would bleed again and my left side seemed to be stuck together. I don’t want more surgery at the moment, I’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.

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